Wizards in Dark Sun are very different from those in other game worlds. Not only do they draw on the energy of the land to cast their spells (see our blog post on that for more details) but they also have several unique spells that set them apart. In this blog, we’re compiling those spells into one place for use in your games.
The original Dark Sun boxed set presented a handful of Athasian wizard spells, and more appeared in supplements like Defilers and Preservers and in various magazine articles over the years, as well as appearing in the Wizards Spell Compendium series towards the end of 2e’s run. This blog collects all of the Dark Sun spells from those various sources, tweaks them to work with the houserules we’re using in the 2e game that we’re streaming here at Lawful Stupid RPG, and presents them in a single document – you can download this as a pdf at the bottom of this page.
There’s not much more to say – go ahead and dive in to see what your Athasian spellcaster might find on his travels across the Tablelands. These aren’t the only spells appropriate for the Dark Sun setting, of course. You can draw spells from other campaign settings, articles, and supplements and insert them into your game. Be sure to take a look at the material components that spells use when you introduce them and modify these to suit Athas – what works as a simple material component in Greyhawk might just break the bank in Tyr!
Here is a list showing all the spells that appear in the pdf, including those modified from original versions appearing in the PHB. Notable by their absence are psionic enchantments – these are better left up to the DM to add as they see fit. The monster summoning tables in this pdf are based on the excellent work of Richard Black, posted over at athas.org a while back.
First Level
Charm Person
Erdlu Claw
Find Familiar
Giant Fur
Illusory Talent
Second Level
Cerulean Shock
Detect Psionics
Eye of the Storm
Fool’s Gold
Footsteps of the Quarry
Magic Trick
Orb of Power
Plant Renewal
Spawn Heritage
Third Level
Cooling Canopy
Death Mark
Empower Orb
Energy Conduit
Erdlu Hide
Fleet Feet
Gardener’s Touch
Mask Magic
Mental Dagger
Monster Summoning I
Nurturing Seeds
Phantom Steed
Ranike Cloud
Touch the Black
Fourth Level
Border Guard
Ice Storm
Mage Seeker
Monster Summoning II
Plant Growth
Psionic Dampener
Psionic Tracer
Spell Deferment
Sphere of Entrapment
Transmute Sand to Stone
Wall of Ice
Fifth Level
Death Whip
Defend Distant Ward
Erdlu Egg
Guard Life
Kank Shell
Monster Summoning III
Psionic Override
Steal Energy
Transmute Rock to Mud
Wall of Iron
Sixth Level
Conjure Greater Elemental
Improved Haste
Improved Slow
Isolate Templar
Monster Summoning IV
Psychic Reversal
Shadow Shroud
Transmute Water to Dust
Seventh Level
Cleansing Flame
Doom Legion
Monster Summoning V
Open the Gray Portal
Ward’s Revenge
Watchful Eyes
Eighth Level
Create Tree of Life
Monster Summoning VI
Obsidian Death
Protection from Time
Ninth Level
Land Lock
Monster Summoning VII
Pact of Darkness
Psionic Channeller
Vampiric Youthfulness